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PCST 2012 - Science Express. Ideas blowing in the wind

Ideas que fui a presentar en el PCST2012 (Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia y la Tecnología por sus siglas en inglés)

Una pena que el "Speaker's Corner" fuera en el exterior, en las escaleras de entrada, encima bajo lluvia (aunque salvaguardada con techitos plásticos).

Al mejorable estilo Aristóteles, algo del siguiente resumen -en inglés- que pude expresar  :o (:

What is science? Is it worth to ask?
If you had to chose only one word for science, what you it be? Don't think, just say ti!

If there are many words for science, imagine how many drawings could be!
I have some (words and drawings) from past experiences, I'm actually colleting many .. so I would be really greatful if you give me some as a present HERE! ---> 
Please leave it in "Ciencia es" link page in this blog!

Now, I suppose at these very moment you are feeling kind of.. weird? Intrigued? Maybe bored? :/ maybe you are thinking. “Oh, I don’t know what to draw! Or yes! I’ll draw THAT thing..  
No problem. That’s the point. Feeling- thinking (very little) Feeling- expressing! and then, Reflecting about science and the act of drawing or saying just one thing about it.

The same thing could apply to other science concepts. For example, What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear nanotechnology? What would you draw if I tell you.. greenhouse gases? Climate science, geo-engineering, synthetic life..

What I intend to show with these simple but valuable questions is that emotion can arise from the simplest question. And that these kind of question is fundamental to unveil ideas, associations and preconceptions; that is, emotional ideas 

(related to science and some scientific concepts)

Because, as one of my favourite Poets, Clarise Lispector says:

“I discovered I don’t need to know what I think. If I remain conscious about what I'm thinking, I go to not been able to think, I go to just seeing me think. when I say “thinking”, I refer myself to they way I dream words.

But thought should have a feeling.”
and because t
hese questions reveal that even within scientist some basic notions are not equal, not even clearly explained to others (in papers, at classes, in conferences..)

Knowing the public you are going to communicate with is ideal and desirable, having a panorama about the previous notions, associations, imaginaries, prejudices should be great.

These way messages can be framed in order to really reach a greater audience, focus on the needed explanations, take care of definitions and clarifications.

So going back to the basics, motivating expression, exploring collective imaginaries and preconceptions could be a very powerful tool to enhance activities in public communication of science and technology.


Ps_ I believe this is specially useful in science communication activities directed to non specialists and of course, in science classes / "universal public" conferences..

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